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Muskoka highway closures for planned roadwork on Nov. 10

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Highway closures

These highway closures are scheduled for short-term or emergency repairs and maintenance

Avoid traffic jams before they happen — one closure is scheduled for roadwork on provincial highways in Muskoka on Nov. 10, 2023:

  • Highway 11 southbound at Alpine Ranch Rd, Bracebridge: one alternating lane closed until Nov. 11 at 5 a.m.

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About this story

This story was automatically generated using open data from Ontario 511. The closures are scheduled by the Ministry of Transportation for short-term or emergency repairs and maintenance. The disruptions may be intermittent or ongoing and can change due to weather, emergencies and other factors.

Torstar Open Data Team
The Torstar Open Data Team is a collaborative of editorial, data and technical staff who work with public open data sources to provide useful and actionable stories for readers. Topics covered to date include scheduled roadworks, restaurant food inspections and water quality at public beaches.

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