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WHAT'S GOING ON HERE? Sidewalk bridge work continues on Muskoka Road in Port Sydney

The town expects to complete the project in the next few weeks

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Huntsville Forester
1 min to read
Muskoka Road at Hoths Lane

Town of Huntsville staff is working on a sidewalk located at Muskoka Road 10 in Port Sydney.

Work continues on a sidewalk bridge at Muskoka Road 10 with Hoths Lane in Port Sydney. The sidewalk is closed, and there are workers in the area. Here's what you need to know.

• The town is completely removing and replacing the existing sidewalk bridge structure, including replacing the steel structure underneath the wood decking platform.

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Julian Orlando Chaves

is a Local Journalism Initiative reporter covering Huntsville and Lake of Bays. The Local Journalism Initiative is funded by the Government of Canada.

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